niseko international clinic
<Summer Season Open Hours(Mar 21 - Mid Dec)>
Please also check ”NEWS" section for irregular schedules.
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Medical Examinations

At NIC, we offer employment health check-ups, regular health check-ups, special health examinations and health screenings for Kutchan Residents, as well as various itemized health check-ups.
Additionally, for those diagnosed with lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia), hyperuricemia (gout), and metabolic syndrome (visceral fat syndrome) based on the results of health examinations, we provide management and treatment services. For those at risk, we offer regular consultations and advice aimed at achieving normal values.

According to Article 43 of the Labor Standards Act, it is stipulated that workplaces must conduct certain procedures when hiring employees. Generally, omitting inspection items is not allowed. Our Employment Health Checkup includes BMI and uric acid levels in addition to the required items specified by law. If a company has its own unique inspection items or formats, please consult in advance.

Cost: JPY 15,400 (including tax)

Test Details
Consultation Doctor’s consultation
Physical exam Height, weight, waist circumference, BMI
Blood pressure High / Low blood pressure, pulse
Urine sample Sugar, protein check
Vision Visual acuity
Hearing Audiometry(1000 Hz、4000 Hz)
Blood tests Anemia screen Red cell count, white cell count, platelets
Liver function GOT (AST)、GPT (ALT)、gamma-GTP
Cholesterol LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides
Kidney function BUN, Creatinine, e-GFR
Blood sugar Fasting glucose, HbA1c
Gout Uric acid
Chest X-ray Chest radiograph
EKG 12 lead electrocardiograph (EKG)
  • Health checks are by appointment only. Please phone for details and to make a reservation.
  • For fasting bloods, please refrain from any food or drinks for 4 to 5 hours before your consultation. You can only drink water.